Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of member

1 ---->academician

2 ---->aerolite

3 ---->aircraftsman

4 ---->aristocrat

5 ---->asteroid

6 ---->auspex

7 ---->backbencher

8 ---->baronetcy

9 ---->bedsitter

10 ---->bikie

11 ---->bise

12 ---->blacksnake

13 ---->boyar

14 ---->brainstorming

15 ---->brethren

16 ---->bristols

17 ---->bushtit

18 ---->catena

19 ---->chapter

20 ---->cicatrice

21 ---->clansman

22 ---->clarabella

23 ---->cleveite

24 ---->clubwoman

25 ---->commissioner

26 ---->committeeman

27 ---->commoner

28 ---->congressman

29 ---->congresswoman

30 ---->corporator

31 ---->councilman

32 ---->cultist

33 ---->dragoon

34 ---->eupatridae

35 ---->fauteuil

36 ---->fiddlehead

37 ---->frankpledge

38 ---->fraternization

39 ---->freemason

40 ---->hartebeest

41 ---->hebdomad

42 ---->hellion

43 ---->hospitaler

44 ---->huddler

45 ---->illuminist

46 ---->incorporator

47 ---->jabiru

48 ---->kagu

49 ---->kirkman

50 ---->knipp

51 ---->krewe

52 ---->legionnaire

53 ---->legislator

54 ---->lion

55 ---->liveryman

56 ---->magus

57 ---->maquis

58 ---->mobster

59 ---->most senior first

60 ---->munga

61 ---->newsletter

62 ---->nob

63 ---->noncombatant

64 ---->novaculite

65 ---->occupier

66 ---->officio

67 ---->oxter

68 ---->patricide

69 ---->pleiad

70 ---->plutocrat

71 ---->prince

72 ---->proband

73 ---->probationer

74 ---->puffbird

75 ---->relation

76 ---->reservist

77 ---->senator

78 ---->staffer

79 ---->structural member

80 ---->subcommittee

81 ---->technocrat

82 ---->treacle

83 ---->tuatara

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