Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of light

1 ---->annulus

2 ---->aura

3 ---->bacchanalia

4 ---->bete

5 ---->bezel

6 ---->bioluminescence

7 ---->blink

8 ---->blinker

9 ---->breakwater

10 ---->brigade

11 ---->bulb

12 ---->caisson

13 ---->candle

14 ---->candlelight

15 ---->candlepower

16 ---->chemiluminescence

17 ---->chiaroscuro

18 ---->complexion

19 ---->confiture

20 ---->congener

21 ---->consensus

22 ---->crosswalk

23 ---->cycloplegia

24 ---->darkness

25 ---->dazzle

26 ---->diary

27 ---->diffraction

28 ---->dimmer

29 ---->dispersion

30 ---->douse

31 ---->druidess

32 ---->electroluminescent

33 ---->fennel bulbs

34 ---->flashgun

35 ---->flashlight

36 ---->floodlight

37 ---->foot

38 ---->forewing

39 ---->gaslight

40 ---->glare

41 ---->gleam

42 ---->glim

43 ---->glimmer

44 ---->glow

45 ---->halation

46 ---->harpy

47 ---->hols

48 ---->houselights

49 ---->illumination

50 ---->inventor

51 ---->jalousie

52 ---->kilogram

53 ---->lamp

54 ---->lamplight

55 ---->laser

56 ---->lens

57 ---->lighthouse

58 ---->limelight

59 ---->link

60 ---->lumen

61 ---->luncheonette

62 ---->lux

63 ---->makuta

64 ---->mastersinger

65 ---->mullion

66 ---->nubble

67 ---->nymphomania

68 ---->peltast

69 ---->phosphene

70 ---->phosphorescence

71 ---->photoconductivity

72 ---->photokinesis

73 ---->photophobia

74 ---->phototropism

75 ---->polarizer

76 ---->pricker

77 ---->prism

78 ---->prudence

79 ---->scintillation

80 ---->searchlight

81 ---->shutter

82 ---->sidelight

83 ---->sparkle

84 ---->spectrum

85 ---->statolith

86 ---->strobe

87 ---->thermotropism

88 ---->tomato soup

89 ---->torch

90 ---->transillumination

91 ---->translucency

92 ---->unlit

93 ---->waveguide

94 ---->whipped cream

95 ---->wigwag

96 ---->yardarm

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