Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of life

1 ---->afterlife

2 ---->ahimsa

3 ---->amuck

4 ---->anabiosis

5 ---->ankh

6 ---->antetype

7 ---->apportionment

8 ---->ardor

9 ---->baba

10 ---->beatification

11 ---->bighead

12 ---->biogenesis

13 ---->biograph

14 ---->biographer

15 ---->biography

16 ---->bioplasm

17 ---->boredom

18 ---->cacomistle

19 ---->catamite

20 ---->chewy

21 ---->childhood

22 ---->deathbed

23 ---->decease

24 ---->diplont

25 ---->disquietude

26 ---->elixir

27 ---->eremitism

28 ---->everything

29 ---->expectancy

30 ---->family

31 ---->fauna

32 ---->fervour

33 ---->giver

34 ---->golem

35 ---->hardship

36 ---->hermit

37 ---->hotshot

38 ---->incarnation

39 ---->insurance

40 ---->karma

41 ---->king

42 ---->lammergeyer

43 ---->leatherette

44 ---->leopard

45 ---->lifeblood

46 ---->lifer

47 ---->lifetime

48 ---->livelihood

49 ---->loose tea leaves

50 ---->lurch

51 ---->lust

52 ---->maidenhood

53 ---->metho

54 ---->misery

55 ---->oceanarium

56 ---->ode

57 ---->organism

58 ---->penury

59 ---->perfectionism

60 ---->peril

61 ---->protector

62 ---->religieuse

63 ---->reproof

64 ---->revivification

65 ---->right of way

66 ---->rum baba

67 ---->sandworm

68 ---->satiety

69 ---->shamble

70 ---->shandy

71 ---->skiff

72 ---->stammerer

73 ---->strife

74 ---->suite

75 ---->survivorship

76 ---->sustentation

77 ---->swami

78 ---->swinger

79 ---->symbolization

80 ---->syringomyelia

81 ---->termer

82 ---->terry

83 ---->thaw

84 ---->thrill

85 ---->thug

86 ---->vest

87 ---->vicissitude

88 ---->vigor

89 ---->vocation

90 ---->warmth

91 ---->way

92 ---->wellbeing

93 ---->world

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