Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of information

1 ---->advice

2 ---->affiant

3 ---->authentication

4 ---->blowup

5 ---->briefing

6 ---->building material

7 ---->bureau

8 ---->communication

9 ---->concavity

10 ---->crosscheck

11 ---->dental material

12 ---->difference

13 ---->dossier

14 ---->dynamic systems

15 ---->dynamicsdynamical systems

16 ---->electromechanical systems

17 ---->encryption

18 ---->enumerator

19 ---->espionage

20 ---->factoid

21 ---->genetic information

22 ---->gist

23 ---->gossipmonger

24 ---->grammar

25 ---->granular material

26 ---->guide

27 ---->halloo

28 ---->hearsay

29 ---->informant

30 ---->information systems

31 ---->insider

32 ---->intelligence information

33 ---->kiosk

34 ---->license

35 ---->localizer

36 ---->memory

37 ---->metamodel

38 ---->misinformation

39 ---->multivehicle systems

40 ---->nondisclosure

41 ---->nugget

42 ---->paving material

43 ---->plant material

44 ---->playboy

45 ---->process control and systems

46 ---->progress

47 ---->propaganda

48 ---->questionnaire

49 ---->reticence

50 ---->retrieval

51 ---->sender

52 ---->solicitation

53 ---->stereoscopy

54 ---->superhighway

55 ---->surgical material

56 ---->tidbit

57 ---->tipster

58 ---->wad

59 ---->wiretap

60 ---->written record

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