Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of film

1 ---->acclaim

2 ---->accolade

3 ---->actor

4 ---->actress

5 ---->adulthood

6 ---->adventuress

7 ---->alibi

8 ---->alien

9 ---->allegory

10 ---->amrita

11 ---->angst

12 ---->animator

13 ---->antihero

14 ---->apotheosis

15 ---->auteur

16 ---->autoradiograph

17 ---->awn

18 ---->azan

19 ---->backdrop

20 ---->backwoods

21 ---->beau

22 ---->beauty

23 ---->belle

24 ---->bellyful

25 ---->bhindi

26 ---->bier

27 ---->biff

28 ---->birth

29 ---->bleeder

30 ---->bloodlust

31 ---->bloomers

32 ---->blowtorch

33 ---->body buddies

34 ---->bodyguard

35 ---->bona

36 ---->bong

37 ---->bookend

38 ---->borborygmus

39 ---->brainstorm

40 ---->bravura

41 ---->bub

42 ---->buckaroo

43 ---->bumble

44 ---->burton

45 ---->buster

46 ---->cameo

47 ---->cameraman

48 ---->campanella

49 ---->campy

50 ---->canaille

51 ---->cannibal

52 ---->capacitor

53 ---->caper

54 ---->caregiver

55 ---->carpenter

56 ---->celluloid

57 ---->cenobite

58 ---->censorship

59 ---->ceremony

60 ---->chambermaid

61 ---->changeling

62 ---->choco

63 ---->chocolate covered nuts

64 ---->cineast

65 ---->cineaste

66 ---->cinema

67 ---->cinematheque

68 ---->cinematograph

69 ---->cinematographer

70 ---->cinematography

71 ---->clapperboard

72 ---->clianthus

73 ---->cliché

74 ---->cliffhanger

75 ---->cloudburst

76 ---->colleen

77 ---->comedian

78 ---->comedy

79 ---->coonskin

80 ---->cooper

81 ---->cop

82 ---->copycat

83 ---->cornball

84 ---->cornel

85 ---->costar

86 ---->costumier

87 ---->critic

88 ---->croze

89 ---->crybaby

90 ---->curmudgeon

91 ---->daddy

92 ---->damsel

93 ---->daydreamer

94 ---->deathwatch

95 ---->debutante

96 ---->decorator

97 ---->delight

98 ---->dey

99 ---->dhobi

100 ---->distributor

101 ---->doc

102 ---->docudrama

103 ---->downfall

104 ---->doyenne

105 ---->doze

106 ---->drama

107 ---->dramatics

108 ---->dread

109 ---->dreamer

110 ---->dressmaker

111 ---->drogue

112 ---->dub

113 ---->duckling

114 ---->dustbin

115 ---->eggar

116 ---->evictor

117 ---->exposure

118 ---->fairytale

119 ---->fakir

120 ---->fango

121 ---->fantasia

122 ---->festival

123 ---->fino

124 ---->firelight

125 ---->flick

126 ---->floodtide

127 ---->flusher

128 ---->foray

129 ---->forger

130 ---->fortnight

131 ---->fountainhead

132 ---->frightener

133 ---->frisson

134 ---->fuck

135 ---->gadfly

136 ---->gaffer

137 ---->gamine

138 ---->gangbuster

139 ---->gangster

140 ---->gaucho

141 ---->gauger

142 ---->ghibli

143 ---->gigolo

144 ---->girdler

145 ---->gladiator

146 ---->glamour

147 ---->glazer

148 ---->globe

149 ---->goldmine

150 ---->gonk

151 ---->goon

152 ---->gosling

153 ---->gringo

154 ---->gunslinger

155 ---->hairdo

156 ---->hallmark

157 ---->handmaiden

158 ---->hangover

159 ---->happening

160 ---->harakiri

161 ---->hardener

162 ---->heartbreaker

163 ---->heartburn

164 ---->heartland

165 ---->heder

166 ---->heroine

167 ---->hideaway

168 ---->hireling

169 ---->hitcher

170 ---->hokum

171 ---->honeymoon

172 ---->hoodlum

173 ---->hoot

174 ---->hopper

175 ---->horror

176 ---->horseplay

177 ---->houseful

178 ---->humoresque

179 ---->hussy

180 ---->hustle

181 ---->hustler

182 ---->illusionist

183 ---->impersonator

184 ---->indican

185 ---->inferno

186 ---->ingénue

187 ---->inqilab

188 ---->insert

189 ---->interviewee

190 ---->jabberer

191 ---->jackboot

192 ---->jai

193 ---->jemadar

194 ---->jiff

195 ---->judder

196 ---->jumper

197 ---->junket

198 ---->kc masterpiece

199 ---->kine

200 ---->kino

201 ---->kitschy

202 ---->knucklehead

203 ---->kola nuts

204 ---->lacklustre

205 ---->lathi

206 ---->laud

207 ---->ledger

208 ---->leitmotif

209 ---->leprechaun

210 ---->loner

211 ---->longlegs

212 ---->looper

213 ---->lummox

214 ---->macadamia nuts

215 ---->maelstrom

216 ---->making

217 ---->maltha

218 ---->mamma

219 ---->mamoncillo nuts

220 ---->mangler

221 ---->manhunter

222 ---->mannequin

223 ---->mantrap

224 ---->marcel

225 ---->marguerite

226 ---->masterpiece

227 ---->masterstroke

228 ---->matchmaker

229 ---->mattoid

230 ---->maya nuts

231 ---->megahit

232 ---->melancholia

233 ---->melodrama

234 ---->menace

235 ---->mermaid

236 ---->microdot

237 ---->millionairess

238 ---->mime

239 ---->minilab

240 ---->miniver

241 ---->minute

242 ---->misfit

243 ---->mixed nuts

244 ---->monkeyshine

245 ---->monogram

246 ---->moonrise

247 ---->movie

248 ---->moviemaker

249 ---->mudlark

250 ---->mummy

251 ---->music festival

252 ---->music genre

253 ---->nag

254 ---->negotiator

255 ---->niff

256 ---->nightmare

257 ---->nitrate

258 ---->novelization

259 ---->nymphet

260 ---->ogbono nuts

261 ---->oranges

262 ---->overexposure

263 ---->oxhide

264 ---->palaver

265 ---->pang

266 ---->paradise nuts

267 ---->paranoia

268 ---->pardner

269 ---->pastina

270 ---->pawnbroker

271 ---->peafowl

272 ---->peccadillo

273 ---->pecker

274 ---->pedant

275 ---->peepshow

276 ---->peplum

277 ---->percept

278 ---->pesarattu

279 ---->photojournalism

280 ---->picturegoer

281 ---->pimpernel

282 ---->pinhead

283 ---->pinup

284 ---->pizazz

285 ---->platina

286 ---->playback

287 ---->playwriting

288 ---->plod

289 ---->pocketful

290 ---->pol pani

291 ---->porn

292 ---->portrayal

293 ---->poster

294 ---->potboiler

295 ---->potiche

296 ---->premiere

297 ---->preview

298 ---->provocateur

299 ---->psychodrama

300 ---->puri

301 ---->pyjamas

302 ---->quickie

303 ---->rainmaker

304 ---->rani

305 ---->ratatouille

306 ---->rattletrap

307 ---->record producer

308 ---->redhead

309 ---->reefer

310 ---->reel

311 ---->religious ceremony

312 ---->remake

313 ---->repast

314 ---->reprise

315 ---->retread

316 ---->revenant

317 ---->riffraff

318 ---->roadshow

319 ---->ronin

320 ---->roundup

321 ---->rubberneck

322 ---->sadhu

323 ---->saran

324 ---->satire

325 ---->scattershot

326 ---->scream

327 ---->screen

328 ---->screener

329 ---->scriptwriter

330 ---->seashell

331 ---->selva

332 ---->sheik

333 ---->sherlock holmes

334 ---->shikar

335 ---->shiralee

336 ---->shoestring

337 ---->showcase

338 ---->showgirl

339 ---->shuttlecock

340 ---->signorina

341 ---->sisterhood

342 ---->skullduggery

343 ---->slacker

344 ---->slapstick

345 ---->slasher

346 ---->snob

347 ---->softcore

348 ---->solace

349 ---->soundtrack

350 ---->soy nuts

351 ---->spaghetti

352 ---->spall

353 ---->spectacle

354 ---->spectacles

355 ---->spiv

356 ---->spoof

357 ---->sprinkle spangles

358 ---->squib

359 ---->star

360 ---->stardom

361 ---->stinker

362 ---->stoker

363 ---->stooge

364 ---->storyboard

365 ---->storytelling

366 ---->stripper

367 ---->stunt

368 ---->subahdar

369 ---->subplot

370 ---->subtext

371 ---->suburbia

372 ---->success

373 ---->sukiyaki

374 ---->sultana

375 ---->sunstroke

376 ---->superstar

377 ---->suspense

378 ---->synopsis

379 ---->tailspin

380 ---->tangerines

381 ---->tapir

382 ---->tearjerker

383 ---->teaser

384 ---->telluride

385 ---->tenderfoot

386 ---->theatricals

387 ---->thief

388 ---->tiff

389 ---->tigon

390 ---->toff

391 ---->tomatoes

392 ---->tomboy

393 ---->touchstone

394 ---->traci

395 ---->tramp

396 ---->trauma

397 ---->traveling

398 ---->travelog

399 ---->trek

400 ---->trier

401 ---->troche

402 ---->trope

403 ---->tumbleweed

404 ---->tv movie

405 ---->twinkler

406 ---->twist

407 ---->twister

408 ---->twitch

409 ---->unbirthday

410 ---->vagabond

411 ---->vamp

412 ---->vendetta

413 ---->video game genre

414 ---->videocassette

415 ---->virtuosity

416 ---->visual percept

417 ---->vitascope

418 ---->voiceover

419 ---->voyeur

420 ---->waitress

421 ---->wallflower

422 ---->wardrobe

423 ---->weatherglass

424 ---->whiplash

425 ---->whodunit

426 ---->whorehouse

427 ---->wilding

428 ---->wineglass

429 ---->wiseacre

430 ---->wisecrack

431 ---->wog

432 ---->wonderland

433 ---->yabby

434 ---->zombie

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