Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Subcategories of drink






---->milk (67)

---->tea (1)

---->wine (92)

Terminal nodes of drink

1 ---->absinthe

2 ---->advancer

3 ---->alcoholic drink

4 ---->almonds

5 ---->amphora

6 ---->anisette

7 ---->anorak

8 ---->aperitif

9 ---->applejack

10 ---->aroma

11 ---->autolysis

12 ---->backslider

13 ---->badger

14 ---->baking chocolate

15 ---->baking soda

16 ---->barmaid

17 ---->bartender

18 ---->basbousa

19 ---->beeswing

20 ---->benthos

21 ---->beurre blanc

22 ---->binge

23 ---->blancmange

24 ---->blend

25 ---->blush wine

26 ---->bottle

27 ---->bottled coffee drinks

28 ---->bottler

29 ---->brandy

30 ---->butter

31 ---->butterfat

32 ---->cappuccino

33 ---->caramel

34 ---->caramels

35 ---->carboy

36 ---->carton

37 ---->cask

38 ---->cellaret

39 ---->chablis

40 ---->champagne

41 ---->changua

42 ---->chocolate

43 ---->churn

44 ---->cocktail

45 ---->coconut milk

46 ---->cognac

47 ---->cola

48 ---->condensed milk

49 ---->confiture de lait

50 ---->cooking wine

51 ---->cornflour

52 ---->cow

53 ---->cowshed

54 ---->crazy cow

55 ---->cream

56 ---->creamery

57 ---->cruet

58 ---->dago

59 ---->decanter

60 ---->demijohn

61 ---->dessert

62 ---->dessert wine

63 ---->digestif

64 ---->dreg

65 ---->drinker

66 ---->eggnog

67 ---->energy drinks

68 ---->enologist

69 ---->enology

70 ---->evaporated milk

71 ---->ferment

72 ---->feta

73 ---->fizzy drinks

74 ---->flagon

75 ---->flatbrød

76 ---->flavour

77 ---->flavoured malt drinks

78 ---->fleshpot

79 ---->froth

80 ---->fruitflavoured drinks

81 ---->frumenty

82 ---->galactopoiesis

83 ---->glogg

84 ---->grape

85 ---->grapes

86 ---->grog

87 ---->gruel

88 ---->hazelnut

89 ---->hemp milk

90 ---->highball

91 ---->hippocras

92 ---->hogshead

93 ---->hooch

94 ---->hot chocolate

95 ---->hot milk cake

96 ---->jug

97 ---->kumis

98 ---->kvass

99 ---->lactation

100 ---->lemonade

101 ---->letdown

102 ---->libation

103 ---->limeade

104 ---->liqueur

105 ---->liqueurs

106 ---->lope

107 ---->madeira cake

108 ---->malmsey

109 ---->malt

110 ---->malvasia

111 ---->manzanilla

112 ---->milch

113 ---->milker

114 ---->mixed drink

115 ---->mocker

116 ---->mousse

117 ---->mull

118 ---->muscadine

119 ---->muscat

120 ---->muscatel

121 ---->nipple

122 ---->nonalcoholic wine

123 ---->nondairy

124 ---->nondairy frozen dessert

125 ---->nondairy milk

126 ---->nougat

127 ---->oat milk

128 ---->oenology

129 ---->oenomel

130 ---->olives and capers

131 ---->ophthalmia

132 ---->orangeade

133 ---->ouzo

134 ---->pail

135 ---->philtre

136 ---->phylloxera

137 ---->plonk

138 ---->pomace

139 ---->pombe

140 ---->poppy milk

141 ---->popular dessert

142 ---->porridge

143 ---->powdered tea

144 ---->praline

145 ---->pulque

146 ---->quart

147 ---->raki

148 ---->red wine

149 ---->retsina

150 ---->rice milk

151 ---->rice wine

152 ---->rickey

153 ---->rosã© wine

154 ---->rundlet

155 ---->sacramental bread

156 ---->salep

157 ---->sangria

158 ---->saucepan

159 ---->scald

160 ---->schnapps

161 ---->serabi

162 ---->shandygaff

163 ---->sherbet

164 ---->sherry

165 ---->sillabub

166 ---->sip

167 ---->skim

168 ---->skokiaan

169 ---->slammer

170 ---->slipslop

171 ---->slivovitz

172 ---->slush

173 ---->smaragd

174 ---->smoothy

175 ---->soda

176 ---->sommelier

177 ---->sorrel

178 ---->soy milk

179 ---->soya

180 ---->sparkling wine

181 ---->stopper

182 ---->swill

183 ---->tannin

184 ---->tapioca

185 ---->taste

186 ---->taster

187 ---->tavuk göğsü

188 ---->tea

189 ---->teat

190 ---->teetotaller

191 ---->terret

192 ---->thous

193 ---->tierce

194 ---->toddy

195 ---->toffee

196 ---->tonic water

197 ---->trousseau

198 ---->udder

199 ---->variety

200 ---->vermouth

201 ---->vinegar drinks

202 ---->vineyard

203 ---->viniculture

204 ---->vino

205 ---->vintner

206 ---->vodka

207 ---->white wine

208 ---->wine cake

209 ---->winery

210 ---->wineskin

211 ---->woolpack

212 ---->yaupon

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