Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Subcategories of disease



---->infection (78)

---->inflammation (28)




Terminal nodes of disease

1 ---->aboulia

2 ---->abscess

3 ---->acidosis

4 ---->actinomycosis

5 ---->acute respiratory disease

6 ---->adenitis

7 ---->agranulocytosis

8 ---->ague

9 ---->ailment

10 ---->alcohol

11 ---->alcoholism

12 ---->alkalosis

13 ---->allopathy

14 ---->amaurosis

15 ---->amitosis

16 ---->amnesia

17 ---->amoebiasis

18 ---->amphiarthrosis

19 ---->anadiplosis

20 ---->anaemia

21 ---->angiofibroma

22 ---->ankylosis

23 ---->antibiosis

24 ---->antipathy

25 ---->apophasis

26 ---->appendicitis

27 ---->arteriosclerosis

28 ---->arteritis

29 ---->arthritis

30 ---->asbestosis

31 ---->ascariasis

32 ---->aspergillosis

33 ---->asthma

34 ---->ataxia

35 ---->atherosclerosis

36 ---->autoinfection

37 ---->autonomic neuropathy

38 ---->avitaminosis

39 ---->azotemia

40 ---->bacteremia

41 ---->benign

42 ---->beriberi

43 ---->bilharzia

44 ---->bilharziasis

45 ---->biosafety

46 ---->blepharitis

47 ---->blister

48 ---->bluetongue

49 ---->bowel

50 ---->bronchiectasis

51 ---->bronchitis

52 ---->brucellosis

53 ---->buchteln

54 ---->burden

55 ---->bursitis

56 ---->byssinosis

57 ---->cachexia

58 ---->carcinomatosis

59 ---->cardiopulmonary bypass circuit

60 ---->carditis

61 ---->carrier

62 ---->catarrh

63 ---->cellulitis

64 ---->cervicitis

65 ---->chancre

66 ---->chap

67 ---->chilblain

68 ---->chiv

69 ---->chloracne

70 ---->chlorosis

71 ---->cirrhosis

72 ---->clinical finding

73 ---->clinical symptom

74 ---->coccidioidomycosis

75 ---->coccidiosis

76 ---->colitis

77 ---->complication

78 ---->contagion

79 ---->coronavirus

80 ---->crisis

81 ---->cure

82 ---->cyanosis

83 ---->cystitis

84 ---->dermatitis

85 ---->dermatologist

86 ---->dermatology

87 ---->dermatophytosis

88 ---->dermatosis

89 ---->diabetes

90 ---->diagnosis

91 ---->diagnostic

92 ---->diarrhoea

93 ---->diphtheria

94 ---->diplosis

95 ---->distemper

96 ---->diverticulitis

97 ---->diverticulosis

98 ---->dose

99 ---->doubler

100 ---->dourine

101 ---->dysentery

102 ---->dyspepsia

103 ---->dysplasia

104 ---->dystrophy

105 ---->echovirus

106 ---->effluvium

107 ---->elephantiasis

108 ---->emphasis

109 ---->empyema

110 ---->encephalitis

111 ---->encephalomyelitis

112 ---->endocardium

113 ---->endometriosis

114 ---->endoscopy

115 ---->enteritis

116 ---->epimorphosis

117 ---->erythroblastosis

118 ---->esthesia

119 ---->exanthema

120 ---->exostosis

121 ---->familial disease

122 ---->farcy

123 ---->fasciculation

124 ---->fever

125 ---->fibrosis

126 ---->flu

127 ---->forefoot

128 ---->furuncle

129 ---->furunculosis

130 ---->gallbladder

131 ---->gametocyte

132 ---->garget

133 ---->gastroenteritis

134 ---->gastroenterologist

135 ---->gastroenterology

136 ---->genotype

137 ---->germ

138 ---->gingivitis

139 ---->glanders

140 ---->gleet

141 ---->glossitis

142 ---->gonorrhea

143 ---->gonorrhoea

144 ---->gout

145 ---->griseofulvin

146 ---->gummosis

147 ---->gynecology

148 ---->haemostasis

149 ---->halitosis

150 ---->heart

151 ---->heartworm

152 ---->helminthiasis

153 ---->hemophilia

154 ---->heterosis

155 ---->histoplasmosis

156 ---->homeopathy

157 ---->homeostasis

158 ---->hookworm

159 ---->housefly

160 ---->hydatid

161 ---->hyperkeratosis

162 ---->hyperostosis

163 ---->hypersensitivity

164 ---->hypervitaminosis

165 ---->hypnosis

166 ---->ichthyosis

167 ---->iconostasis

168 ---->idiopathy

169 ---->ileitis

170 ---->ileus

171 ---->illness

172 ---->immunology of infectious disease

173 ---->impetigo

174 ---->infectious disease

175 ---->inflammatory neuropathy

176 ---->influenza

177 ---->iritis

178 ---->ischaemia

179 ---->keratosis

180 ---->ketosis

181 ---->laryngitis

182 ---->lazaret

183 ---->leishmaniasis

184 ---->leprosy

185 ---->leptospirosis

186 ---->leukemia

187 ---->lithiasis

188 ---->liver

189 ---->liver disease

190 ---->lockjaw

191 ---->locoism

192 ---->lordosis

193 ---->lungworm

194 ---->lupus

195 ---->lymphadenitis

196 ---->lymphadenopathy

197 ---->lymphangitis

198 ---->macrocephaly

199 ---->malady

200 ---->malaria

201 ---->mange

202 ---->mastitis

203 ---->mastoiditis

204 ---->measles

205 ---->melanosis

206 ---->meningitis

207 ---->mephitis

208 ---->mesothelioma

209 ---->metastasis

210 ---->metritis

211 ---->mildew

212 ---->monogenic disease

213 ---->mononucleosis

214 ---->moorhen

215 ---->morbidity

216 ---->mucopolysaccharide

217 ---->murrain

218 ---->myasthenia

219 ---->mycetoma

220 ---->mycosis

221 ---->myelitis

222 ---->myiasis

223 ---->myocarditis

224 ---->myxomatosis

225 ---->necrobiosis

226 ---->necrosis

227 ---->neonate

228 ---->nephritis

229 ---->nephrosis

230 ---->neuritis

231 ---->neurofibromatosis

232 ---->neuropathy

233 ---->nonsmoker

234 ---->nosology

235 ---->occident

236 ---->odalisque

237 ---->oedema

238 ---->ophthalmologist

239 ---->orchitis

240 ---->orthopaedics

241 ---->osmosis

242 ---->osteitis

243 ---->osteoarthritis

244 ---->osteomyelitis

245 ---->osteopathy

246 ---->osteoporosis

247 ---->otitis

248 ---->otologist

249 ---->outbreak

250 ---->papilloma

251 ---->papillomatosis

252 ---->parabasis

253 ---->parabiosis

254 ---->paraneoplastic neuropathy

255 ---->paraparesis

256 ---->parotitis

257 ---->pathologist

258 ---->pathology

259 ---->pediculosis

260 ---->pellagra

261 ---->pemphigus

262 ---->penicillin

263 ---->pericarditis

264 ---->periostitis

265 ---->periphrasis

266 ---->pertussis

267 ---->pharyngitis

268 ---->phenylketonuria

269 ---->phlebitis

270 ---->photosensitivity

271 ---->phrenitis

272 ---->phthisis

273 ---->pimple

274 ---->pinworm

275 ---->pityriasis

276 ---->plague

277 ---->pleuropneumonia

278 ---->pneumococcus

279 ---->pneumoconiosis

280 ---->pneumonia

281 ---->pneumonitis

282 ---->pockmark

283 ---->podiatrist

284 ---->poliomyelitis

285 ---->polycythemia

286 ---->porphyria

287 ---->potbelly

288 ---->pox

289 ---->predisposition

290 ---->prenatal diagnosis

291 ---->prognosis

292 ---->prophylaxis

293 ---->proptosis

294 ---->prostatitis

295 ---->protozoal infection

296 ---->prurigo

297 ---->psittacosis

298 ---->psoriasis

299 ---->psychognosis

300 ---->psychosis

301 ---->pud

302 ---->purpura

303 ---->pus

304 ---->pyoderma

305 ---->pyrexia

306 ---->pyrogallol

307 ---->quadriplegia

308 ---->quarantine

309 ---->quinsy

310 ---->rabies

311 ---->reflux

312 ---->retinitis

313 ---->rhesus

314 ---->rhinitis

315 ---->rickettsia

316 ---->rinderpest

317 ---->ringworm

318 ---->roseola

319 ---->rot

320 ---->roundworm

321 ---->rubella

322 ---->salpingitis

323 ---->satyriasis

324 ---->scab

325 ---->scabies

326 ---->scleritis

327 ---->scleroderma

328 ---->sclerosis

329 ---->scrofula

330 ---->scurf

331 ---->sepsis

332 ---->septicaemia

333 ---->septicemia

334 ---->sequela

335 ---->siderosis

336 ---->silicosis

337 ---->sinusitis

338 ---->smallpox

339 ---->social disease

340 ---->sociopathy

341 ---->spica

342 ---->spirochetosis

343 ---->spondylitis

344 ---->stenosis

345 ---->stomachache

346 ---->stomatitis

347 ---->stye

348 ---->sugar alcohol

349 ---->swayback

350 ---->sycosis

351 ---->sympathy

352 ---->symptom

353 ---->syndrome

354 ---->synovitis

355 ---->syphilis

356 ---->taeniasis

357 ---->tapeworm

358 ---->telangiectasia

359 ---->telegnosis

360 ---->tendinitis

361 ---->thromboembolism

362 ---->thrombophlebitis

363 ---->thrombosis

364 ---->thyroiditis

365 ---->thyrotoxicosis

366 ---->tonsillitis

367 ---->toxicant

368 ---->toxoplasmosis

369 ---->tracheitis

370 ---->trachoma

371 ---->trematode

372 ---->treponema

373 ---->trichiasis

374 ---->trichinosis

375 ---->trichomoniasis

376 ---->trypanosomiasis

377 ---->tryparsamide

378 ---->tularemia

379 ---->typhlitis

380 ---->typhus

381 ---->ulcer

382 ---->ulceration

383 ---->uraemia

384 ---->uremia

385 ---->urology

386 ---->uveitis

387 ---->vaccination

388 ---->vaccine

389 ---->vaginitis

390 ---->vascular disease

391 ---->venereal disease

392 ---->venereology

393 ---->viciousness

394 ---->virulence

395 ---->vivax

396 ---->vomitus

397 ---->vulvitis

398 ---->vulvovaginitis

399 ---->whitlow

400 ---->xanthoma

401 ---->zoonosis

402 ---->zoster

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