Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of court

1 ---->acquittal

2 ---->advocate

3 ---->amicus

4 ---->angora

5 ---->antisocial behaviour

6 ---->appeal

7 ---->arraignment

8 ---->assize

9 ---->assizes

10 ---->avizandum

11 ---->bailiff

12 ---->barrister

13 ---->bench

14 ---->camarilla

15 ---->cassation

16 ---->certiorari

17 ---->chancery

18 ---->circuit

19 ---->clonus

20 ---->complaint

21 ---->computer file

22 ---->contempt

23 ---->conviction

24 ---->cour

25 ---->croquet

26 ---->custodianship

27 ---->data file

28 ---->defaulter

29 ---->defendent

30 ---->durbar

31 ---->electronic circuit

32 ---->estreat

33 ---->eunuch

34 ---->fiat

35 ---->file

36 ---->jurat

37 ---->justice

38 ---->kapellmeister

39 ---->lawsuit

40 ---->leet

41 ---->opinion

42 ---->petition

43 ---->politeness

44 ---->printed circuit

45 ---->probate

46 ---->prosecution

47 ---->prothonotary

48 ---->racquetball

49 ---->recognizance

50 ---->remand

51 ---->remembrancer

52 ---->respondent

53 ---->review

54 ---->sachertorte

55 ---->signatory

56 ---->soke

57 ---->subpoena

58 ---->summons

59 ---->supremo

60 ---->text file

61 ---->the

62 ---->tipstaff

63 ---->tribunal

64 ---->wardmote

65 ---->writ

66 ---->younker

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