Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of color

1 ---->abstract thought

2 ---->accepter

3 ---->acuity

4 ---->anagnorisis

5 ---->andiron

6 ---->ante

7 ---->ariel

8 ---->armadillo

9 ---->assistant secretary of the navy

10 ---->augur

11 ---->banter

12 ---->belay

13 ---->believer

14 ---->beluga

15 ---->blab

16 ---->blindness

17 ---->bluethroat

18 ---->blush

19 ---->boli

20 ---->bongo

21 ---->brightness

22 ---->broil

23 ---->brownness

24 ---->brushwork

25 ---->budworm

26 ---->bur

27 ---->burp

28 ---->cackle

29 ---->calamus

30 ---->catechin

31 ---->caw

32 ---->chaffinch

33 ---->chalk

34 ---->chameleon

35 ---->cheer

36 ---->chiller

37 ---->chit

38 ---->chroma

39 ---->chromaticity

40 ---->chromolithograph

41 ---->chromolithography

42 ---->closing

43 ---->clown

44 ---->coloration

45 ---->colorfast

46 ---->colorist

47 ---->colour

48 ---->commentator

49 ---->confab

50 ---->credo

51 ---->croak

52 ---->diamond

53 ---->disclaimer

54 ---->dissymmetry

55 ---->divisionism

56 ---->echo

57 ---->eddy

58 ---->eliminator

59 ---->encephalon

60 ---->epsilon

61 ---->eth

62 ---->fastness

63 ---->ferret

64 ---->fiddlehead ferns

65 ---->fixer

66 ---->fray

67 ---->frostiness

68 ---->gaff

69 ---->gardener

70 ---->genius

71 ---->gens

72 ---->gloss

73 ---->goldenrod

74 ---->gonzo

75 ---->graham

76 ---->graininess

77 ---->greyness

78 ---->grumpiness

79 ---->headcheese

80 ---->hilarity

81 ---->hin

82 ---->hipparch

83 ---->histogram

84 ---->homunculus

85 ---->hooligan

86 ---->horologium

87 ---->hosteller

88 ---->howl

89 ---->hue

90 ---->humour

91 ---->hut

92 ---->hypercube

93 ---->indigotin

94 ---->ink

95 ---->insanity

96 ---->instinct

97 ---->intarsia

98 ---->investigator

99 ---->iolite

100 ---->jabber

101 ---->jade

102 ---->jag

103 ---->jerk

104 ---->jester

105 ---->kaki

106 ---->keeper

107 ---->kist

108 ---->lambda

109 ---->leatherwood

110 ---->lenticel

111 ---->lifeguard

112 ---->limes

113 ---->luminance

114 ---->machina

115 ---->magneto

116 ---->mailbox

117 ---->maser

118 ---->melons

119 ---->mess

120 ---->mistral

121 ---->monte

122 ---->morph

123 ---->mot

124 ---->mottle

125 ---->motto

126 ---->multicolor

127 ---->mush

128 ---->naevus

129 ---->nan

130 ---->needle

131 ---->nimbus

132 ---->nomen

133 ---->offeror

134 ---->ogress

135 ---->opacity

136 ---->orpiment

137 ---->paleness

138 ---->palette

139 ---->parament

140 ---->parkin

141 ---->parley

142 ---->penguin

143 ---->penny

144 ---->picotee

145 ---->pigment

146 ---->pique verde boricua

147 ---->pizzazz

148 ---->plastron

149 ---->pleochroism

150 ---->pointillism

151 ---->polychromy

152 ---->polygene

153 ---->porpoise

154 ---->porpoises

155 ---->positif

156 ---->powwow

157 ---->prattle

158 ---->primary color

159 ---->prodder

160 ---->pumpkin

161 ---->punster

162 ---->quadroon

163 ---->quake

164 ---->redeye

165 ---->redundancy

166 ---->reflectance

167 ---->religious thought

168 ---->revenge

169 ---->riddance

170 ---->romance

171 ---->scar

172 ---->schnauzer

173 ---->scorpion

174 ---->script

175 ---->scumble

176 ---->sfumato

177 ---->sharpness

178 ---->shoebox

179 ---->sideline

180 ---->silversmith

181 ---->simultaneity

182 ---->size

183 ---->skin colour

184 ---->slack

185 ---->soap

186 ---->softness

187 ---->solidness

188 ---->speakeasy

189 ---->speckle

190 ---->spectral color

191 ---->spectral colour

192 ---->spiff

193 ---->spigot

194 ---->spinster

195 ---->sponge and dough

196 ---->spout

197 ---->squeal

198 ---->sub font color indigo

199 ---->suffusion

200 ---->sunburst

201 ---->sunglow

202 ---->swashbuckler

203 ---->swat

204 ---->tassie

205 ---->tau

206 ---->teaberry

207 ---->teapot

208 ---->terotechnology

209 ---->timothy

210 ---->tint

211 ---->tisane

212 ---->toaster

213 ---->topaz

214 ---->tritanopia

215 ---->tweak

216 ---->undertaker

217 ---->undertone

218 ---->upholsterer

219 ---->uroscopy

220 ---->violet

221 ---->wacko

222 ---->warthog

223 ---->weirdo

224 ---->whiskey

225 ---->whisper

226 ---->whiteness

227 ---->wit

228 ---->xab momo

229 ---->yob

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