Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Subcategories of cloth

---->clothing (4)

---->coat (47)

---->garment (8)

---->hat (50)

---->shoe (45)

Terminal nodes of cloth

1 ---->afghan

2 ---->aigrette

3 ---->aiguillette

4 ---->alpaca

5 ---->arm

6 ---->bandana

7 ---->bandanna

8 ---->bathrobe

9 ---->beanie

10 ---->bearskin

11 ---->biretta

12 ---->blazonry

13 ---->blindfold

14 ---->blouson

15 ---->blucher

16 ---->bodice

17 ---->boilersuit

18 ---->bootblack

19 ---->bounder

20 ---->bowyangs

21 ---->boxer

22 ---->brigandine

23 ---->brim

24 ---->brindle

25 ---->brogue

26 ---->buckram

27 ---->bunion

28 ---->buntal

29 ---->burler

30 ---->buttonhole

31 ---->calk

32 ---->camiknickers

33 ---->camisole

34 ---->cannery

35 ---->chador

36 ---->chapeau

37 ---->chemise

38 ---->chopine

39 ---->citrine

40 ---->cleat

41 ---->clodhopper

42 ---->clop

43 ---->clothier

44 ---->coatee

45 ---->cobbler

46 ---->cockade

47 ---->cocker

48 ---->complice

49 ---->corespondent

50 ---->corporale

51 ---->couch

52 ---->cravat

53 ---->cutaway

54 ---->dashiki

55 ---->deerstalker

56 ---->dhoti

57 ---->diabolo

58 ---->diaper

59 ---->dishcloth

60 ---->doormat

61 ---->dossal

62 ---->drape

63 ---->draper

64 ---->drawstring

65 ---->duffel

66 ---->dunce

67 ---->elkhound

68 ---->epaulet

69 ---->epaulette

70 ---->escutcheon

71 ---->espadrille

72 ---->fascinator

73 ---->fearnaught

74 ---->fearnought

75 ---->femme

76 ---->fess

77 ---->flannel

78 ---->flat

79 ---->flaunch

80 ---->footwear

81 ---->freckle

82 ---->frock

83 ---->galosh

84 ---->gambeson

85 ---->ghillie

86 ---->gonfalon

87 ---->handbag

88 ---->hanky

89 ---->hatband

90 ---->hatchment

91 ---->hatter

92 ---->headdress

93 ---->heel

94 ---->heraldry

95 ---->housel

96 ---->igloo

97 ---->insole

98 ---->instep

99 ---->ironware

100 ---->jacket

101 ---->kanga

102 ---->karakul

103 ---->keeshond

104 ---->kente

105 ---->kepi

106 ---->koala

107 ---->koala tea of mercy

108 ---->lace

109 ---->lambskin

110 ---->lapel

111 ---->laster

112 ---->leggings

113 ---->leotard

114 ---->loafer

115 ---->loin

116 ---->loincloth

117 ---->mackintosh

118 ---->mammy

119 ---->mandrill

120 ---->manta

121 ---->manteau

122 ---->melton

123 ---->merle

124 ---->midriff

125 ---->milliner

126 ---->millinery

127 ---->miniskirt

128 ---->mink

129 ---->moccasin

130 ---->modiste

131 ---->monocle

132 ---->motherfucker

133 ---->napkin

134 ---->neckcloth

135 ---->neckerchief

136 ---->negligee

137 ---->oddment

138 ---->oilskin

139 ---->outerwear

140 ---->overcoat

141 ---->overshoe

142 ---->pad

143 ---->pant

144 ---->pantsuit

145 ---->pelage

146 ---->pelisse

147 ---->petticoat

148 ---->pillbox

149 ---->pinstriped

150 ---->pismire

151 ---->poncho

152 ---->pugree

153 ---->puttee

154 ---->quagga

155 ---->raffia

156 ---->raincoat

157 ---->redingote

158 ---->robe

159 ---->rubby

160 ---->sackcloth

161 ---->sailor

162 ---->saltire

163 ---->sanbenito

164 ---->sandal

165 ---->sandals

166 ---->sari

167 ---->scarf

168 ---->scarves

169 ---->sealskin

170 ---->shako

171 ---->shearling

172 ---->shirt

173 ---->shoehorn

174 ---->shoelace

175 ---->shoeshine

176 ---->skatepark

177 ---->sketcher

178 ---->slingback

179 ---->slipcover

180 ---->slouch

181 ---->sneaker

182 ---->snood

183 ---->sombrero

184 ---->songkok

185 ---->sporran

186 ---->stavesacre

187 ---->stiletto

188 ---->stockings

189 ---->stomacher

190 ---->stovepipe

191 ---->sudarium

192 ---->sunglasses

193 ---->sunsuit

194 ---->sweatband

195 ---->sweatpants

196 ---->tamis

197 ---->tapa

198 ---->tapis

199 ---->tassel

200 ---->tenter

201 ---->tenterhook

202 ---->tiger

203 ---->tights

204 ---->tinfoil

205 ---->tomentum

206 ---->topcoat

207 ---->topper

208 ---->toque

209 ---->towel

210 ---->trilby

211 ---->trouser

212 ---->tunic

213 ---->tweed

214 ---->undercoat

215 ---->underskirt

216 ---->underwear

217 ---->upholstery

218 ---->vail

219 ---->velour

220 ---->velveteen

221 ---->veronica

222 ---->waistcoat

223 ---->wangle

224 ---->watchstrap

225 ---->wig

226 ---->wimple

227 ---->wirewalker

228 ---->yarmulke

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