Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of base

1 ---->adenine

2 ---->antilogarithm

3 ---->baseman

4 ---->bunt

5 ---->calcar

6 ---->carbanion

7 ---->cere

8 ---->chloramine

9 ---->columella

10 ---->cone

11 ---->cuticle

12 ---->deamination

13 ---->ethoxide

14 ---->fascia

15 ---->fob

16 ---->guanidine

17 ---->hexadecimal

18 ---->hydroxide

19 ---->infielder

20 ---->inion

21 ---->involucre

22 ---->isochore

23 ---->leaf sheath

24 ---->loess

25 ---->lunula

26 ---->military base

27 ---->octal

28 ---->outfield

29 ---->phenoxide

30 ---->pickoff

31 ---->piperidine

32 ---->pulvinus

33 ---->pyramid

34 ---->raphe

35 ---->ratoon

36 ---->scotia

37 ---->sheath

38 ---->spot

39 ---->squinch

40 ---->stipel

41 ---->stipule

42 ---->struma

43 ---->titrant

44 ---->trapezoid

45 ---->tumpline

46 ---->umbilicus

47 ---->whorl

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