Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Subcategories of area

---->earth (82)

---->land (224)

---->layer (53)


---->surface (149)

Terminal nodes of area

1 ---->abbotship

2 ---->abrasion

3 ---->acre

4 ---->acreage

5 ---->actinomycin

6 ---->adenine

7 ---->adhesion

8 ---->adsorbate

9 ---->adsorption

10 ---->aerator

11 ---->aerodrome

12 ---->afforestation

13 ---->afterworld

14 ---->agrarianism

15 ---->airglow

16 ---->albedo

17 ---->aleurone

18 ---->allotment

19 ---->alluvion

20 ---->alluvium

21 ---->anthill

22 ---->anthracite

23 ---->antiferromagnetism

24 ---->antihelix

25 ---->antilogarithm

26 ---->aphelion

27 ---->apices

28 ---->apogee

29 ---->appanage

30 ---->apron

31 ---->armpit

32 ---->arris

33 ---->artillery

34 ---->arĂȘte

35 ---->asperity

36 ---->atmosphere

37 ---->autochthon

38 ---->avocet

39 ---->axilla

40 ---->backwater

41 ---->badlands

42 ---->baklava

43 ---->bakpia pathok

44 ---->ballute

45 ---->barrow

46 ---->barycentre

47 ---->baseliner

48 ---->baseman

49 ---->basin

50 ---->bawl

51 ---->bazaar

52 ---->beaver

53 ---->bedrock

54 ---->belowground

55 ---->belt

56 ---->bema

57 ---->berm

58 ---->bey

59 ---->bighorn

60 ---->bimah

61 ---->bindweed

62 ---->biosphere

63 ---->biotope

64 ---->blackboard

65 ---->bleacher

66 ---->blight

67 ---->blintz

68 ---->blood dyscrasia

69 ---->bog

70 ---->bondservant

71 ---->bonehead

72 ---->bontebok

73 ---->boree

74 ---->bowhead

75 ---->brain

76 ---->brain injury

77 ---->brain part

78 ---->brigalow

79 ---->brochure

80 ---->brusher

81 ---->buna

82 ---->bunt

83 ---->burbot

84 ---->burnish

85 ---->burrow

86 ---->buttock

87 ---->cabbagetown

88 ---->cacique

89 ---->cadastre

90 ---->caecilian

91 ---->calcar

92 ---->calcicole

93 ---->calcifuge

94 ---->cambium

95 ---->camp

96 ---->campground

97 ---->campsite

98 ---->cannelure

99 ---->capillarity

100 ---->carbanion

101 ---->caribou

102 ---->carneys

103 ---->cartogram

104 ---->caruncle

105 ---->cataphyll

106 ---->cedi

107 ---->census

108 ---->cere

109 ---->cerebral hemisphere

110 ---->certifier

111 ---->cerumen

112 ---->champignon

113 ---->chersonese

114 ---->chessel

115 ---->chiasm

116 ---->chieftainship

117 ---->chigger

118 ---->chionodoxa

119 ---->chloramine

120 ---->chondrite

121 ---->civil parish

122 ---->claypan

123 ---->clivia

124 ---->coalfield

125 ---->coating

126 ---->cockscomb

127 ---->cocoon

128 ---->coho

129 ---->coil

130 ---->colluvium

131 ---->columella

132 ---->comet

133 ---->commissure

134 ---->commonage

135 ---->compost

136 ---->cone

137 ---->conjunctiva

138 ---->convolution

139 ---->coppice

140 ---->copyhold

141 ---->copyholder

142 ---->cordierite

143 ---->cornfield

144 ---->cortex

145 ---->cosmine

146 ---->counteroffensive

147 ---->countertop

148 ---->countryside

149 ---->cove

150 ---->covenantor

151 ---->coverlet

152 ---->creek

153 ---->cresting

154 ---->crevasse

155 ---->crimper

156 ---->crissum

157 ---->croft

158 ---->crofter

159 ---->cropland

160 ---->crotch

161 ---->crust

162 ---->cuticle

163 ---->dairying

164 ---->dandyism

165 ---->deal

166 ---->deamination

167 ---->delamination

168 ---->demesne

169 ---->dentine

170 ---->dermis

171 ---->desire

172 ---->dial

173 ---->diffusion

174 ---->dike

175 ---->dilatancy

176 ---->dipole

177 ---->discriminant

178 ---->discrimination

179 ---->dishonor

180 ---->disinfectant

181 ---->distributary

182 ---->divide

183 ---->doab

184 ---->dockland

185 ---->dome

186 ---->doorknob

187 ---->drain

188 ---->drier

189 ---->drumlin

190 ---->dryland

191 ---->dugout

192 ---->dukedom

193 ---->dysprosium

194 ---->earthling

195 ---->earthrise

196 ---->earthworm

197 ---->easement

198 ---->eclipse anesthesia

199 ---->ectoderm

200 ---->electrode

201 ---->electrojet

202 ---->electromagnet

203 ---->electromagnetic wave

204 ---->ellipsoid

205 ---->emitter

206 ---->enclave

207 ---->encroacher

208 ---->endoderm

209 ---->epeirogeny

210 ---->epiblast

211 ---->epicenter

212 ---->epidermis

213 ---->epilimnion

214 ---->epineurium

215 ---->equator

216 ---->escheat

217 ---->estate

218 ---->estuary

219 ---->ethoxide

220 ---->exclave

221 ---->exosphere

222 ---->exospore

223 ---->expanse

224 ---->expertise

225 ---->facet

226 ---->faraday

227 ---->fascia

228 ---->fen

229 ---->fence

230 ---->fictionalization

231 ---->fief

232 ---->fiefdom

233 ---->firn

234 ---->flood

235 ---->flyby

236 ---->fob

237 ---->foothill

238 ---->footstool

239 ---->forefather

240 ---->foreshore

241 ---->forestland

242 ---->fork

243 ---->fossa

244 ---->frankalmoign

245 ---->frazil

246 ---->friction

247 ---->frisket

248 ---->frontage

249 ---->frontogenesis

250 ---->fulminator

251 ---->furrow

252 ---->gabion

253 ---->gazebo

254 ---->genetic characteristic

255 ---->geodesy

256 ---->geognosy

257 ---->geoid

258 ---->geomagnetism

259 ---->geomancy

260 ---->geosphere

261 ---->german chocolate cake

262 ---->gesso

263 ---->gibber

264 ---->gilgai

265 ---->glabella

266 ---->glade

267 ---->gleanings

268 ---->gley

269 ---->gobstopper

270 ---->gopher

271 ---->gorge

272 ---->gram

273 ---->grandstand

274 ---->granophyre

275 ---->grassland

276 ---->graze

277 ---->greasewood

278 ---->griddle

279 ---->groat

280 ---->groats

281 ---->groundwater

282 ---->guanidine

283 ---->gulch

284 ---->gunk

285 ---->gyre

286 ---->gyrus

287 ---->habitus

288 ---->hammock

289 ---->handrail

290 ---->hardpan

291 ---->haycock

292 ---->haystack

293 ---->headwaters

294 ---->heartstrings

295 ---->heaven

296 ---->hectare

297 ---->hemagglutinin

298 ---->hemisphere

299 ---->hexadecimal

300 ---->hike

301 ---->hiker

302 ---->hillock

303 ---->hilltop

304 ---->hinterland

305 ---->hobnail

306 ---->hogback

307 ---->homesteader

308 ---->homestretch

309 ---->horseshoe

310 ---->hotbed

311 ---->hydrosphere

312 ---->hydroxide

313 ---->hymenium

314 ---->hyperboloid

315 ---->ideate

316 ---->impactor

317 ---->imperial units

318 ---->inclination

319 ---->indigenous

320 ---->inductance

321 ---->indusium

322 ---->infield

323 ---->infielder

324 ---->influx

325 ---->inion

326 ---->intaglio

327 ---->interfluve

328 ---->intergrade

329 ---->involucre

330 ---->ironstone

331 ---->island

332 ---->islet

333 ---->isochore

334 ---->isostasy

335 ---->jebel

336 ---->jewel

337 ---->karate

338 ---->karst

339 ---->kicker

340 ---->kiln

341 ---->kugelis

342 ---->ladyfinger

343 ---->lagoon

344 ---->lamella

345 ---->lamina

346 ---->lamination

347 ---->lampblack

348 ---->landed estate

349 ---->landfall

350 ---->landform

351 ---->landholder

352 ---->landlordism

353 ---->landmass

354 ---->landowner

355 ---->landscape

356 ---->landside

357 ---->landslide

358 ---->lasagne

359 ---->laterite

360 ---->latifundium

361 ---->latrine

362 ---->lava plateau

363 ---->layer cake

364 ---->leaf sheath

365 ---->leasehold

366 ---->lesion

367 ---->libration

368 ---->lithosphere

369 ---->loam

370 ---->lobe

371 ---->local government area

372 ---->loch

373 ---->loess

374 ---->logger

375 ---->longneck

376 ---->lop

377 ---->lough

378 ---->lugworm

379 ---->lunula

380 ---->mack

381 ---->magma

382 ---->mallee

383 ---->mandoline

384 ---->mangrove

385 ---->manicure

386 ---->mantle

387 ---->manure

388 ---->marchland

389 ---->maremma

390 ---->marshland

391 ---->mascle

392 ---->maxwell

393 ---->meadow

394 ---->meander

395 ---->megalopolis

396 ---->meltwater

397 ---->meninx

398 ---->meniscus

399 ---->menses

400 ---->merrymaking

401 ---->mesh

402 ---->mesocarp

403 ---->mesoderm

404 ---->mesoglea

405 ---->mesosphere

406 ---->mesothelium

407 ---->meteor

408 ---->meteorite

409 ---->microclimate

410 ---->microgravity

411 ---->microseism

412 ---->midfield

413 ---->military base

414 ---->millrace

415 ---->mire

416 ---->misplay

417 ---->mist

418 ---->mitt

419 ---->moggy

420 ---->monolayer

421 ---->monopole

422 ---->moon

423 ---->moonscape

424 ---->moor

425 ---->moorland

426 ---->morgen

427 ---->mortmain

428 ---->mouldboard

429 ---->mound

430 ---->mud

431 ---->mudslide

432 ---->multiuse

433 ---->nail

434 ---->national

435 ---->naumachia

436 ---->neighbour

437 ---->nein

438 ---->neodymium

439 ---->neurological lesion

440 ---->nome

441 ---->nunatak

442 ---->nympholepsy

443 ---->oceanfront

444 ---->octal

445 ---->oersted

446 ---->omphalos

447 ---->operculum

448 ---->oral lesion

449 ---->orbit

450 ---->outcrop

451 ---->outfield

452 ---->outwash

453 ---->overgrazing

454 ---->overlay

455 ---->ownership

456 ---->ozone

457 ---->paddock

458 ---->paddy

459 ---->papilla

460 ---->paraboloid

461 ---->paradise

462 ---->paraesthesia

463 ---->parallax

464 ---->parallelogram

465 ---->paramagnetism

466 ---->parcel

467 ---->parcel of land

468 ---->pard

469 ---->parish

470 ---->park

471 ---->pasture

472 ---->patina

473 ---->patio

474 ---->patroon

475 ---->patroonship

476 ---->pavement

477 ---->pavilion

478 ---->peasantry

479 ---->peat

480 ---->pedalfer

481 ---->pellicle

482 ---->peneplain

483 ---->percolate

484 ---->periphery

485 ---->petiolule

486 ---->phenoxide

487 ---->physiocrat

488 ---->pickoff

489 ---->picnic

490 ---->piece of land

491 ---->pillwort

492 ---->pine

493 ---->pingo

494 ---->piperidine

495 ---->piste

496 ---->placet

497 ---->plagioclimax

498 ---->planet

499 ---->planetoid

500 ---->plasma

501 ---->playground

502 ---->plough

503 ---->plow

504 ---->plums

505 ---->pluton

506 ---->podzol

507 ---->podzolization

508 ---->poly

509 ---->polynya

510 ---->pony

511 ---->pork ribs

512 ---->porphyropsin

513 ---->postcode

514 ---->potato pudding

515 ---->pozzolana

516 ---->prater

517 ---->prig

518 ---->princess cake

519 ---->promenade

520 ---->promptness

521 ---->proprietorship

522 ---->prospector

523 ---->protected area

524 ---->protocol

525 ---->protuberance

526 ---->pucker

527 ---->pulvinus

528 ---->purchase

529 ---->pustule

530 ---->pyramid

531 ---->quintessence

532 ---->radishes

533 ---->radius

534 ---->raindrop

535 ---->rainforest

536 ---->ranch

537 ---->rancher

538 ---->rancherie

539 ---->rancho

540 ---->raphe

541 ---->ratoon

542 ---->rattlesnake

543 ---->ravine

544 ---->ray

545 ---->rean

546 ---->reclamation

547 ---->recompense

548 ---->rectangle

549 ---->reef

550 ---->refuge

551 ---->refugium

552 ---->region

553 ---->regolith

554 ---->relict

555 ---->rescreen

556 ---->resident

557 ---->resort

558 ---->restroom

559 ---->ripcord

560 ---->riverbed

561 ---->rivulet

562 ---->roadside

563 ---->roam

564 ---->rocket

565 ---->rollway

566 ---->rub

567 ---->saltworks

568 ---->sanctuary

569 ---->sandpaper

570 ---->sapropel

571 ---->sapwood

572 ---->sardonyx

573 ---->satellite

574 ---->scenery

575 ---->sclera

576 ---->sclerophyll

577 ---->scotia

578 ---->scrape

579 ---->scrub

580 ---->scrubland

581 ---->seabed

582 ---->seacoast

583 ---->sealer

584 ---->seedbed

585 ---->seiche

586 ---->seigneury

587 ---->seisin

588 ---->separatrix

589 ---->serf

590 ---->serosa

591 ---->settler

592 ---->shahe fen

593 ---->sheath

594 ---->sheepwalk

595 ---->shelf

596 ---->shoreline

597 ---->shovelful

598 ---->signaller

599 ---->silt

600 ---->siltation

601 ---->sima

602 ---->singe

603 ---->sinigang

604 ---->sinkhole

605 ---->skate

606 ---->skin

607 ---->sleepyhead

608 ---->slickenside

609 ---->sloper

610 ---->slowworm

611 ---->slum

612 ---->slumgullion

613 ---->smallholder

614 ---->smock

615 ---->smoking

616 ---->smolt

617 ---->snoot

618 ---->snorkel

619 ---->snow

620 ---->snowball

621 ---->snowcap

622 ---->soft tissue lesion

623 ---->solenoid

624 ---->solfatara

625 ---->solonchak

626 ---->solonetz

627 ---->solum

628 ---->somatopleure

629 ---->sonde

630 ---->sorb

631 ---->souther

632 ---->spaceship

633 ---->spadeful

634 ---->speculator

635 ---->spekkoek

636 ---->spermogonium

637 ---->spice cake

638 ---->sponge cake

639 ---->spot

640 ---->sprawl

641 ---->squatter

642 ---->squinch

643 ---->standoff

644 ---->starflower

645 ---->stealer

646 ---->steed

647 ---->steelwork

648 ---->steppe

649 ---->steradian

650 ---->stipel

651 ---->stipule

652 ---->stoneboat

653 ---->stover

654 ---->strathspey

655 ---->stratification

656 ---->stratocumulus

657 ---->stratosphere

658 ---->stratum

659 ---->stratus

660 ---->streamlet

661 ---->striatum

662 ---->struma

663 ---->subdivider

664 ---->subsidence

665 ---->subsoil

666 ---->substratum

667 ---->subtenant

668 ---->suburban area

669 ---->sudd

670 ---->sun

671 ---->surbase

672 ---->surroundings

673 ---->survey

674 ---->surveyor

675 ---->swampland

676 ---->swath

677 ---->swathe

678 ---->tableland

679 ---->tachistoscope

680 ---->tallage

681 ---->tapetum

682 ---->tarlatan

683 ---->taxiway

684 ---->tectonics

685 ---->teepee

686 ---->tektite

687 ---->telpher

688 ---->temblor

689 ---->tenant

690 ---->tenure

691 ---->tephra

692 ---->terbia

693 ---->terbium

694 ---->terra

695 ---->terrain

696 ---->territory

697 ---->testa

698 ---->texture

699 ---->thalamus

700 ---->thermocline

701 ---->thermosphere

702 ---->theurgy

703 ---->thickhead

704 ---->thickness

705 ---->thorn

706 ---->thundercloud

707 ---->tideland

708 ---->tidewater

709 ---->tillage

710 ---->timberland

711 ---->timberline

712 ---->titrant

713 ---->toenail

714 ---->topsoil

715 ---->tornado

716 ---->toroid

717 ---->torus

718 ---->toss

719 ---->track

720 ---->tradespeople

721 ---->trailblazer

722 ---->trammel

723 ---->transboundary

724 ---->trapezoid

725 ---->trapper

726 ---->tremble

727 ---->trespass

728 ---->tristate

729 ---->trough

730 ---->tryst

731 ---->tubercle

732 ---->tumor staging

733 ---->tumpline

734 ---->tundra

735 ---->umbilicus

736 ---->umbra

737 ---->underachievement

738 ---->underbrush

739 ---->underclay

740 ---->undercurrent

741 ---->unincorporated area

742 ---->uplift

743 ---->utilisation

744 ---->uvea

745 ---->vacationer

746 ---->veld

747 ---->venue

748 ---->vermis

749 ---->verst

750 ---->vestige

751 ---->vetch

752 ---->visitant

753 ---->volva

754 ---->wadi

755 ---->wafer

756 ---->wastebasket

757 ---->wasteland

758 ---->waterbird

759 ---->watercourse

760 ---->waterfowl

761 ---->waterside

762 ---->wave

763 ---->weakling

764 ---->weald

765 ---->wetter

766 ---->whorl

767 ---->wilderness

768 ---->wilderness area

769 ---->winegrowing

770 ---->wobble

771 ---->woodcutting

772 ---->yield

773 ---->yttria

774 ---->yurt

775 ---->zamindar

776 ---->zip

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